More and more people start wondering if they should invest in a multi-family housing. Even though a lot of people are already doing it, you need to make sure that this is the right decision for you.

There’s no question that there are numerous benefits in doing such an investment. Here are the 6 most important ones:

1: Management is easier:

When you have multiple properties under one roof, you’ll find management a lot easier. After all, you won’t need to keep crossing the town several times to check each one of the individual homes. Plus, you will only need one property management company, that will be able to solve tenant issues, handle rent collection, among other management tasks.

2: Increasing the value of the property is easier:

The reality is that if you want to increase your home’s value, you need to invest on it. However, it’s a lot easier and more affordable to just invest in one property than on several that are spread out. Plus, you have a lot more options. You can phase up in benefits and amenities to tenants, for example. Things like adding a laundry or a playground for children will not only attract more tenants as the ones that are there will want to stay.

3: Create more cashflow:

When you first think about multi-family property and how you will make money from it, you’re probably only thinking about the rents. However, there are a lot of things that you can do that will create more cashflow.

Just think about the laundry that we mentioned above. Now picture this new laundry room filled with good coin-operated machines.

4: Take advantage of the great tax breaks:

In case you didn’t know, there are many great tax breaks when you are investing in multi-family properties. The reality is that you are providing housing and the government likes what you do.

One of the things that you can (and should) do is to depreciate all the things in a rental property or apartment building.

So, if there is something that is worth to invest is a good CPA and/or CFO to make sure that you get as many tax incentives and deductions as possible.

5: These properties hold their value:

The truth is that multi-family properties tend to hold their value. When you make sure that you provide good conditions to your tenants, they won’t leave. Plus, you’ll be attracting new ones.

One of the most important things is that you have a good maintenance company working for you. By making sure everything is as it should and that every single tenant is happy, your multi-family property will definitely hold their value.

6: Allows you to change lives:

The reality is that if you are able to create a space that families can enjoy, that is really a great life achievement.

Just check some of the areas that have multi-family housing and see how degraded the buildings are, the park in the nearby seems abandoned, families don’t even feel safe.

Can you imagine yourself taking care of this building and rehabilitating it? Attracting people who don’t have much but just want a safe and clean place to live.